复古怀旧风吉隆坡Chow Kit精品酒店设计案例赏析

每一个城市的精品酒店,都有一个或者无数个故事,或许是关于人、关于城市、关于发展或者文化的变迁。今天勃朗设计小编要为您推荐的酒店位于Chow Kit的一个角落,体现了旧世界的魅力,其灵感来自于该国第一个大亨和与该社区同名的人,Loke Chow Kit。这位马来西亚裔盎格鲁人靠锡矿发了财,开始在该地区开设贸易商店,然后是赌场和鸦片馆。他被广泛认为是这个国家的第一批大亨之一,是这个历史街区的中心人物。  

Every city's boutique hotel has one or countless stories, perhaps about people, about the city, about development or cultural change. Today, the hotel recommended by Blanc design is located in a corner of chow kit, reflecting the charm of the old world. Its inspiration comes from the first tycoon in the country and the person with the same name as the community, like chow kit. The Malaysian born Anglo made a fortune from tin mines and began to open trade shops in the area, followed by casinos and opium shops. He is widely regarded as one of the first tycoons in the country and the center of the historic block.

复古怀旧风吉隆坡Chow Kit精品酒店设计案例赏析

复古怀旧风吉隆坡Chow Kit精品酒店设计案例赏析

复古怀旧风吉隆坡Chow Kit精品酒店设计案例赏析

The Chow Kit周遭的街道上处处都有故事,就是这些故事为酒店设计提供了有趣且诱人的空间。该设计由著名的纽约公司Studio Tack设计,借鉴了马来西亚人的熟悉程度和该城市的现代世界感,融合了国际化、充满慰藉的舒适感的设计。The Chow Kit是旅客的圣所,不仅是休息的地方,也是探索和找寻灵感的地方。 

The street around the Chow kit is full of stories, which provide interesting and attractive space for hotel design. The design is designed by studio tack, a famous New York company. It draws on the familiarity of Malaysians and the modern world sense of the city, and integrates the international and comforting design. The Chow kit is a sanctuary for tourists, not only for rest, but also for exploration and inspiration.

复古怀旧风吉隆坡Chow Kit精品酒店设计案例赏析

复古怀旧风吉隆坡Chow Kit精品酒店设计案例赏析

复古怀旧风吉隆坡Chow Kit精品酒店设计案例赏析

The Chow Kit精品酒店设计将这种能量带回了吉隆坡的旧城区,人们可以在这里发现、认识和了解吉隆坡的过去,现在以及未来的去向。

The Chow kit boutique hotel design brings this energy back to the old city area of Kuala Lumpur, where people can discover, know and understand Kuala Lumpur's past, present and future.

复古怀旧风吉隆坡Chow Kit精品酒店设计案例赏析

复古怀旧风吉隆坡Chow Kit精品酒店设计案例赏析

复古怀旧风吉隆坡Chow Kit精品酒店设计案例赏析


标签:   精品酒店设计 复古酒店设计案例