一房一风格 国外与众不同的艺术精品酒店设计方案
如果有一天在一家酒店选客房也能像选衣服一样挑选自己喜欢的,那是不是惊喜呢?当然我说的不是只针对情侣酒店的主题客房,而是以艺术为主题的精品酒店。今天勃朗精品酒店设计公司要为大家介绍的是位于澳大利亚悉尼的The Collectionist Hotel。
If one day in a hotel room selection can also choose their own like clothes, is that a surprise? Of course, I'm not talking about the theme rooms of the couple hotels, but the Boutique Hotels with the theme of art. Today, the collectionist hotel in Sydney, Australia is introduced by Brandt boutique hotel design company.
酒店创始人是Daniel Symonds,他的灵感来自旅行中的租车,他说每个人都可以去挑选自己喜欢的颜色和品牌的汽车,为什么酒店不可以有这样的灵活性与自主性呢,他就是凭着这些想法,打造出了这个与众不同的艺术精品酒店。
The founder of the hotel is Daniel Symonds, whose inspiration comes from car rental during travel. He said that everyone can choose their favorite color and brand of car. Why can't the hotel have such flexibility and autonomy? With these ideas, he created this unique art boutique hotel.
There is no traditional lobby and reception area. There are 39 rooms of different styles in total. Guests can choose rooms according to their preferences and feelings. Hotel design is as fascinating as art gallery.
The Collectionist Hotel不仅仅从客房设计上颠覆了传统酒店的条条框框,来到这里的客人,可以根据喜好自由选择房型,通过独特而随性的艺术体验,可以获得非凡的心灵旅行,39种不同的设计与创意能让客人深深地爱上这里。
The collector hotel not only overturns the traditional hotel's rules and regulations from the design of guest rooms, but also allows guests to freely choose room types according to their preferences. Through unique and casual artistic experience, they can get extraordinary spiritual travel. 39 different designs and creations can make guests deeply love here.
标签:   精品酒店设计方案 精品酒店客房设计