北京四合院特色民宿设计 找寻童年的烟火气

2020-08-08 郑州大境装饰设计公司 阅读


The yard is the memory of childhood, which is real and warm. I remember looking for a living in Beijing more than ten years ago. The courtyard in the Hutong was the most moving one. The greetings from neighbors "did you eat?" made you feel warm. The smell of food in the air made you familiar. Yes, this is the memory of childhood, the most simple communication between people. Today, Braun design editor wants to share with you the design of Beijing siheyuan characteristic B & B -- looking for the fireworks of childhood!

北京四合院特色民宿庭院设计  找寻童年的烟火气

北京四合院特色民宿庭院设计  找寻童年的烟火气

北京四合院特色民宿庭院设计  找寻童年的烟火气


The courtyard of the courtyard has a bright future for the B & B landscape. In childhood, there are cicadas under banyan trees and a small pond. In addition, the designer set up a patio between the front desk and the courtyard, large area glass to ensure the lighting of underground space.

北京四合院特色民宿茶室设计  找寻童年的烟火气

北京四合院特色民宿餐厅设计  找寻童年的烟火气

北京四合院特色民宿餐厅设计  找寻童年的烟火气


The three guest rooms of B & B have made different plane layout to try out the accommodation experience of guests under different moving lines. The inverted room is one of them, with the largest area. Its pattern is between the suite and the ordinary guest room. As the interior elevation of the room is not bad, the design team of B & B considered tatami scheme, and the mattress directly landed to increase the sense of relaxation and leisure of the hotel. The other three rooms are arranged in a row on the left, facing the courtyard. After the renovation, the French windows will increase more natural lighting. In addition, the roof is also designed with skylight, so that you can feel the baptism of natural light even if you lie in bed.

北京四合院特色民宿客房浴室设计  找寻童年的烟火气

北京四合院特色民宿客房设计  找寻童年的烟火气

北京四合院特色民宿客房设计  找寻童年的烟火气


标签:   北京民宿设计 特色民宿设计方案