
2020-09-02 郑州大境装饰设计公司 阅读

Proper精品酒店坐落在一个创意中心,距离高档精品店,咖啡馆,农贸市场和海滩仅几步之遥,是邻里生活方式的整体延伸。设施包括Ayurvedic水疗中心,瑜伽和宽敞的屋顶游泳池。即将开业的是Proper的招牌餐厅Onda,这是当地备受尊敬的厨师Jessica Koslow和Gabriela Camara之间备受期待的合作。

Located in a creative center just a few steps away from high-end boutiques, cafes, farmers' markets and beaches, the proper boutique hotel is an integral extension of the neighborhood lifestyle. Facilities include Ayurvedic spa, yoga and a spacious rooftop pool. The upcoming opening is the signature restaurant Onda of proper, a much anticipated collaboration between local respected chefs Jessica koslow and Gabriela camara.




酒店前身是Santa Monica Professional大楼,由Arthur E. Harvey于1928年以西班牙复兴风格设计,最初用于医疗套房。Howard Laks建筑事务所建造了一个与历史建筑相协调的新结构,包含了271个房间的酒店。Proper精品度假酒店装修设计体现了一种“更宽松”的奢侈,以一种既能吸引假日游客,又能吸引长期住客的方式,融入当地和周边文化。

The hotel, formerly known as the Santa Monica professional building, was designed by Arthur E. Harvey in 1928 in Spanish Renaissance style and was originally used for medical suites. Howard laks architects has built a new structure in harmony with the historic building, which contains 271 rooms. The decoration design of proper Boutique Resort Hotel reflects a kind of "more relaxed" luxury, which integrates into local and surrounding culture in a way that can attract both holiday tourists and long-term residents.




由新兴设计师克里斯·沃尔斯顿(Chris Wolston)设计的功能性赤土陶器和玻璃纤维椅子花瓶在接待处占据了重要位置,展示了一系列不断变化的异国情调花卉。Wearstler的独特材料和纹理的标志性风格被限制在中性色调内,包括瓷砖结构的柱子,抽象的,不规则的镶木地板,以及木材或石灰华的过渡全高拱门。

Functional laterite pottery and glass fiber chair vases, designed by emerging designer Chris wolston, occupy an important position in the reception area, displaying a range of ever-changing exotic flowers. Wearstler's signature style of unique materials and textures is limited to neutral tones, including tiled columns, abstract, irregular parquet flooring, and timber or travertine transition full height arches.





标签:   精品度假酒店设计 精品酒店改造设计案例